I hate you Shish, thinks Graeme.

It's the early 2000s. Shish and Graeme are both creatives at DDB London. But Shish has gone and made
a masterpiece for Volkswagen. It’s even better than Graeme’s award-winning Harvey Nics work. Or Marmite. Or VW Golf. So, Graeme ups his game. He makes the VW Cinema Sponsorship campaign. Bravo, thinks Shish. And bangs out another hit for VW. Followed by a stone-cold classic for Philips. Graeme curses Shish. He moves to New York. Creates something special for Airwalk. And New York Post. Shish makes some moves of his own. To Fallon. Then W&K. Then BBH. He runs Cadbury. Relaunches Tescos. Encourages kids to eat a healthy breakfast. Graeme doesn’t take this lying down. He ups sticks to Amsterdam. Launches the PlayStation 4. Puts Qatar Airways on the map. Then returns home and goes in-house. Seven years at Google Creative Lab London. He takes people Inside Abbey Road, helps the hunt for Nessie. Even makes Google do it. Two can play at that game, thinks Shish. He goes in-house too. Facebook. Google’s bitter rival. Messing with Graeme’s emotions? Perhaps. He even runs British Airways for a bit. Just because he can. And then. They both find themselves in the freelance market. After 20 years. True rivals in every sense. Shish has history. He’s already freelanced for BBC. Specsavers. They meet. Shish looks at Graeme. Graeme looks at Shish. And he realises. He doesn’t hate Shish. He loves him.

They became a team. And worked together for a year.

But all good things come to an end.